Tuesday, April 28, 2009

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Friday, April 24, 2009

Sneeze Page - Archived Posts


Fitness Friend Sneeze Page

Archive Index

For those that aren't familiar with the term "sneeze page", it is a simple reference to an archive index (or hub) for older pages or posts within a website or blog.
I wanted to create a hub in which everyone can easier find all my posts conveniently and easily. They are grouped by category, and are constantly being updated. Take a few minutes and check it out. You might find just what you were looking for!

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Thursday, April 2, 2009

Why We Crave Certain Foods


Tackling Taste Buds

Brain vs. Tounge vs. You

Have you ever wondered why it is you like certain foods? What is it exactly that makes you crave a juicy hamburger, a fresh baked chocolate chip cookie, or those savory salty chips. Well, it all has to do with your taste buds, and how they enteract with your brain.

The Tounge:

The tounge has hundreds, if not thousands, of tiny little bumps on it called taste papillae (or taste buds). These taste buds are a cluster of cells called receptors, which band together and support a prong like structure known as a microvillus. The microvillus is in the center of the receptor cells, and projects upwards, out of the taste bud (Think of a hair comming out of a folicle).

The microville is what recognizes the various chemicals found in foods, and transmits that information down into the receptor cells, which then forward it along various nerve fibers to the brain!

Once the signals hit your brain, they're divided into 4 main groups:
  • Salty
  • Sweet
  • Sour
  • Bitter

Taste buds work collectively, as a group, to determine what food tastes like. So when the chemicals in food, chain together and form patterns, taste buds do too, and mimic the pattern which we know as the 4 basic flavors (as mentioned above.)

It are these flavors, and knowing how each one induces different reactions in the brain, that causes us to crave certain food types. When you combine sight and smell into the equation, the senses come full circle. Sight and smell also play an important role in how you react to food.
When you see a piece of warm fresh baked apple pie, you invision what it might taste like. The warm apples mixed with the fresh crust produces a type of imagery that makes it seem more appealing. Same goes with smell. The tempting aroma sends signals to your brain telling it, "Hey..this might taste good!" and kicks off the salivary glands. Then, when you finally taste the pie, and the receptors tell your brain how it tastes, it gets stored there for next time you see or smell pie again!

Healthy never tasted so good?

While culture, personal perception, and genetics can influence what you think tastes good, salty and sweet foods however usually win for best taste. Unfortunately, what is salty and sweet is not always the healthiest for us. While the old saying, "moderation is key" is definately fitting, drawing the thin line between what you crave and what you eat is very important.

While it may take some dedication and will power to draw that line, doing so will eventually pay off. What can help is the way in which those sometimes less than tasty foods are prepaired.

Things that can help:
  • Avoid Over cooking your vegtables! - Overcooking can remove the natural sweet taste many veggies have. Perfect the cooking and really enhance the taste.
  • Spice it up! - Forget the butter and oils. Add a dash of spice or seasoning to healthy foods to kick up the flavor.
  • Mix it! - Some foods are bland and tasteless alone, so combine them with others that might not be. Try throwing some of your leaste favorite veggies in with some tasty posta. You might find out you really like the combination!

Following these basic tips will help improve the taste of many not-so-tasty foods. Maintaining a healthy balanced diet is essentail, but be creative in how you do it. Doing so will lead to a healthier body and mind.

Sour and Bitter Foods

Sweet and Sour may be delicious on chinese food, but sour and bitter on anything else definately is not. Foods that are sour and bitter, usually are perceived as bad tasting, and for a good reason. Bitter and sour foods can often be associated with toxic foods. Think of how rotten milk tastes. The extreme bitterness we taste is a built in function most people have to warn us that we are about to eat something potentially dangerous. While all things toxic or poisonous aren't bitter and sour, it is a good thing to look for and understand when eating certain foods.

Bitter and sour foods can also affect how your body digests them. If you eat foods that are tasty and you like, your body will secrete saliva and enzymes to help break apart and digest the food. If you do not like the food (such as those bitter or sour), your body will make it difficult for you to choke them down. Your mouth may dry up, and your stomach muscles may convulse in a mannor that feels like they are trying to get rid of them as quickly as possible. This holds true for toxic foods too. If the chemicals in toxic food that you perceive as bitter or sour, interact with your stomach enzymes, it might cause your stomach to expel (throw up) what you ate as a self protective mechanism. It could also be because your body simply doesn't have what it takes to digest whatever foods you just ate.

Now you know how our bodies perceive flavors and handle taste. You have some idea of the 4 major types of taste, and how our body interacts with them. Keep this article in mind next time you sit down for dinner, eat out, or grab your favorite snack. It just might help you!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Music. The Workout Super Drug?


Enhancing your Workout

Music as a Exercise Enhancement?

Since the revolution of the walkman, discman, and mp3 player, music and the gym go hand in hand. Whether you like to rock out to "The Boss" as you jog at a steady pace, or crank up the Metallica to amp yourself up, music is a great way to get you motivated.

Even before the times of portable music devices; Gyms have been playing upbeat tunes for years. You notice it in the aerobics classes, the locker rooms, and even by the circuit machines, music is everywhere. But why? What exactly does music do for us while we work out, and how does this translate into benefit? Let's find out..


Think about how you feel whenever you hear one of your favorite rock songs. What does it do to you? Does it make you drowsy and put you to sleep, or pump you up as you sing along? Certain tempos have been known to affect mood, blood pressure, and even heart rate. When paired with exercise, this can help boost adrenaline hormone production, possibly giving you that extra boost of energy.

Upbeat, fast music, much like that of rock&roll, metal, or punk, can alter your mood, and raise your adrenaline. Adrenaline, which is the flight or fight hormone, can translate into raw energy, and help fuel you for an extra set, last rep, or quicker mile.

Softer music, such as classical or jazz, can also have an inverse reaction, calming your nerves and putting you at ease. Different types of music have different effects on our brains, so the key is to use the right music for the right activity!

Do a self study. Workout for 4 weeks. For the first 2 weeks, use no musical stimuli. For the next 2 weeks, listen to either (a) soft music [classical], or (b) upbeat music [rock], and record your results. You'll be suprised with what you find!


Along with pumping up that adrenaline, music can also elevate your mood. Your brain reacts to music in the same way it would to eating a piece of chocolate, or running 5 miles, or other pleasurable activities. As endorphans are released, depending on the type of music (and how your brain responds to it), your mood will begin to shift.

Think about this:
Ever had a bad day, where nothing seems to go your way, and on comes your favorite song on the radio? Almost instantly, you're mood shifts from hopeless to happy. You find yourself mumbling the words as a smile creeps across your face...This isn't chance, its science, and it works at the gym just as well as in the car!

While there isn't a whole lot of concrete evidence tying a particular mood type to workout results, I would think a positive mood would yield more benefits in the gym than a bad mood. Less stress is always better!


Music can also play an important role when it comes to concentration. Different tempos, beats, and sounds interacts with the brain in different ways. How your brain listens and interprets these signals also depends on what you're doing. Are you focused on reading a book or doing homework? Or are you concentrating on getting that last rep out of your workout? Whatever your activity, matching it with the right kind of music can help increase your concentration.

Do a little trial and error to see what type of music suits you best for each activity. No one person is the same, and everyone interprets things differently, so experiment and see what works best for you!

I hope this article has found you well!

7 Must Have Things to Bring to the Gym


The Gym Bag

The Must Have's to Bring to the Gym!

Ok, so you've commited yourself to going to the gym, and are all excited to get started, but what do you bring? What is the proper gym ettiquete for gym accessories? Do you bring a towel, or does your gym provide towels for you? Is there music playing when you go, or should you bring an mp3 player? Does your gym even allow you to bring in certain accessories?

The purpose of this blog is to highlight 7 must have things whenever you go to the gym.

A Clean Towel

This is perhaps the most important thing you should ever bring to the gym. Some gym's might provide towels for their members, but most do not, so bringing your own from home is a must. Even if your gym does give out towels, you never know how (a) how clean they are, (b) when they were last washed, or (c) how long they have been in circulation. It is always a better idea to bring your own from home.

A towel not only helps keep you drier and more comfortable while pushing out the sets, it also helps wipe down the machines for when people neglect to bring their own towels!

Water Bottle

A trusty water bottle should be next on your list. Whether you buy it at the gym or bring it from home, a water bottle is another must have. Sure, some gyms might have water fountains located throughout their facilities, but that means you have to either take a break from your workout to go get hydrated, or wait until you're done with your sets. This is not only annoying, but can cause un-needed frustration.

Perhaps someone is waiting to use the machine you are. You may leave to go get some water, and they think the machine is now available. I cannot tell you how often this has happened to me.

Or maybe you tough it out and finish up your sets before going to get a drink. Sure you may be pushing out the sets/circuits quicker, but maybe you're dehydrating yourself, forcing exhaustion to set in quicker than it should.

The best way to avoid either of these scenarious? Bring a water bottle!

Comfortable Athletic Shoes

This is not only a wise choice, but a safe one at that. Whether today is your day for cardio, or lunges, wearing the proper footwear is a must.

Every week, I see people on the treadmills, stair climbers, and all other machines, wearing inappropriate shoes. I've even seen the occasional sandle wearer!

Not only are such shoes limiting your performance, you're at risk for injury too. If you drop a weight on your foot while wearing sandles, I guarantee it'll hurt a lot more than if you were wearing cushioned cross-trainers! You're also at risk for ankle or joint injury from loose fitting sneakers. It is a lot harder to roll your ankle wearing tight fitting athletic shoes opposed to sneakers or skater shoes. So save yourself the risk, and bring an extra pair of gym appropriate shoes with you when you go!

Gym Appropriate Clothes

I'm sorry folks, but jeans in the gym do NOT cut it. Workout clothes that tailor to your specific exercises are more important than you think. Whether you prefer a light cotton shirt that lets you breathe as you run, or a tight fitting synthetic material that holds your muscles in place while you lift, tailored clothes to match your workouts is always a great idea.

So please leave the button up shirts and jean shorts at home. They not only look tacky, they're probably robbing you of results.

MP3 Player

In the last 8 years, MP3 Players have come a long long way. Back in 2002, an i-pod was still new and extremely expensive. Now, you can get almost any kind of brand name or knock off mp3 player for cheap!

I recommend getting one that can attach to an arm band, and has a long enough headphone cord to avoid getting yourself tangled up with your workouts. Apple and Microsoft both have some nice ones around the $100-$300 range.

MP3 players are great companions to the gym for a few reasons:
  1. They can help you concentrate and push out that last set
  2. They can help distract you for those long runs on the treadmill
  3. They can help drowned out the annoying ambient music your gym might play
  4. They are a universal sign that says "don't talk to me", which is perfect for those who just want to get-in, workout, and get-out!
So invest in a mp3 player if you don't already have one, and I guarantee, you will enjoy the benefits!

Something to read

If you don't have an mp3 player, or don't care to listen to music, a book or magazine can be a great addition to your workout. While reading while lifting is a bad idea, something to steal your attention while doing cardio (treadmil, bike, stairmaster) can help you go that extra mile!

So catch up on your favorite novel or latest gossip, and enjoy your workout.

Workout Gloves

This one may not be as high on the list as the others, but is still a great idea none the less. I personally use my workout gloves every time I go, and I cannot tell you how much of a lifesaver they are.

Before using gloves, my hands were all tore up, calloused, and sore. I tend to lift heavy when I go to the gym, so afterwards, my hands always hurt. After awhile, I invested in some quality gloves, and it has made all the difference. My hands no longer hurt, the callouses have gone away, and I feel like I can even workout longer because of it.

So no matter what your routine is, I highly suggest investing in some good gloves to give you that extra edge. I hope this article finds you well!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Importance of Stretching


The Importance of Stretching

What Gym class didn't teach you..

In today’s fast paced world, everyone is so focused on seeing results now, that they overlook perhaps the most important exercise; stretching! You can’t run without learning how to walk, and you will never reach your fitness goals without taking the proper time to stretch. Your muscles need the right flexibility in order to perform their best, and that’s hard to achieve without stretching. Stretching your muscles not only improves your range-of-motion, but it also increases blood flow, helps you burn fat, and improves your efficiency for building muscle.
Believe it or not, taking the time to improve your flexibility will also improve you posture. If you’ve ever seen pictures of Arnold Schwarzenegger when he was competing for Mr. Universe, his biceps were so massive that he walked around like his arms were always half bent. This was probably due to lack of stretching while he was developing his biceps. When you stretch, you elongate the muscle, improving your posture, and will ultimately look better.
Like any other type of exercise, there is a right way and a wrong way to stretch. Most physical education teachers you might have encountered in grade school more than likely advocated the static stretch technique. This method involves extending the muscle, and holding it for 12-18 seconds.
While this method can be beneficial for certain workouts, when it comes to strenuous exercises involving prolonged cardio and weight training, this is the wrong technique. When you hold a muscle in a static position like that, you’re really doing a relaxed stretch. This technique forces the muscle to relax itself in order to adapt to the stress you put on it when you stretch it. This is NOT what you want. Instead, utilize a full range-of-motion stretch. This can include grabbing a light weight, like 5 or 10 pounds (something light), and doing a continuous motion that relates to the workout you will be doing on it.
For example; if I wanted to do a shoulder exercise, for my stretch routine I would grab a 10lb dumbell weight, and rotate my arm in a giant circle from my waist to up above my head, and back down in a smooth controlled motion. This style of style of stretching not only prepares your muscle for the work it will soon be doing, but also adds all the benefits of stretching (flexibility, muscle gain, fat burn, posture, etc). This method of stretching is usually referred to as full range of motion or dynamic stretching since it requires movement and change of position.
Other ROM/Dynamic stretching could include walking, lunges, twists/turns, or even jumping jacks. Basically anything that is light weight that involves moving the muscle group you wish to workout in a continuous fashion. Stagnant stretches can still be useful though, it just has a different kind of use. Try doing static stretches after your workout is done. It is a common misconception to only stretch before hand, but stretching afterwards is just as important. Muscles can lock up after a tough workout, so relaxing them is equally as crucial. Much like an injured football player stretching out his hamstrings on the sidelines, stretching can also help hurt muscles and tissue recover faster. For this, we would utilize static stretches. Take 5 minutes after the gym and stretch each of the muscle groups you worked that day. Doing so will reduce how sore you are tomorrow, as well as prevent cramping and bad posture.
So we have gone over the basic ins and outs of stretching, and why it is so important. Something that takes less than 5 minutes is so commonly overlooked, yet can yield such great benefits. So next time before you go and try and put up 3 plates on the bench, stretch out those muscles, and see how much it can really help.

Gym & Fitness Terminology


Staying Informed

Know the Terminology!

Let’s face it; knowing all you need to know when it comes to staying in shape can be down right confusing. Otherwise you wouldn’t be here reading this right now!

There is a lot of information to absorb and understand before you can even think about getting that dream body, so take a few minutes and prepare you with some ground level basics.

There is no point in describing muscle groups, workout techniques, or exercise equipment when you can’t decipher the terminology. So let us start off first with the various gym-lingo. There are many important inside terms used frequently at the gym, in fitness articles, and by health professionals, and knowing what these mean can make a huge difference in how fast your results come. By reading this glossary, you will be more prepared for gauging your working and meeting your goals. This information will be the building block of the rest that you do inside the gym.

  • Cardiovascular (Cardio) – The physical conditioning related to an interval workout. These types of exercises are meant to burn fat, build endurance, and increase the heart rate to a desired level. The level of intensity of a cardio workout is directly linked to the heart rate. For optimal results, try and achieve your specific target heart rate.
  • Strength Training – The technique of building up ones strength by the use of resistance training accompanied by the duration of rest. The heavier the weight and the shorter the rest time will yield better results than lower weight and longer rest times. However, the amount of weight affects results much more directly than rest periods, as long as the rest periods do not exceed a few minutes.
  • Rep [Repetition] – One full movement, from start to finish, of a given exercise. Set – A completion of continuous repetitions from start to finish. A grouping of repetitions to form a set will depend on the type and intensity of a given exercise. 1 Set = X amount of continuous Reps. Most typical exercises involve multiple sets.
  • Cool Down – The period after an intense workout in which you cool down and allow your heart rate to gradually drop back down to normal.
  • Warm Up – A brief period in which you do a light exercise in order to loosen certain muscle groups and raise your heart rate.
  • Muscle Group – Grouping of related muscles either physically connected, or containing similar exercises. Back and Biceps can be considered a muscle group because working out your Lats often requires the use of biceps. The same goes for flat bench in relation to incline and decline bench press when it comes to working out your chest.
  • Stretching – The process of stretching ones muscles to warm them up for a workout. In order to achieve full range-of-motion it is a good idea to stretch that particular muscle.
  • Range Of Motion (ROM) – The complete motion cycle of a given exercise repetition. For Biceps a full ROM would include starting the rep with the weight at its lowest point with your arm fully extended, curling it up towards you, and then lowering it back down to its original starting point.
  • Curl – The act of bringing a weight towards you while using a joint as a pivot point. An example would be a curl exercise for biceps or hamstrings in which your muscle starts fully extended, then you curl it towards you, then release in a controlled fashion.
  • Aerobic Workout – A workout or exercise which requires a great deal of oxygen to perform. An aerobics class in which you perform a full body workout would be a good example.
  • Anaerobic Workout – A workout or exercise that typically does not require an extensive amount of oxygen.
  • Modality – The specific mode in which you exercise a muscle or muscle group. This could be anything from ‘Flat Bench’ for chest press exercises or running on a Treadmill for your cardio.
  • Intensity – The level of energy exerted when exercising. A high intensity workout typically will involve a higher heart rate, burn more fat, and be more difficult to perform.
  • Duration – The length of time you perform a given workout for.
  • Compound Exercise – A single exercise that involves multiple muscles or joints.
  • Supplements – A supplement is an external nutrient taken in place of something else; either a meal or a specific nutrient. Supplements can range from diet pills and creatine to protein shakes and vitamins.

Gym, Clubs, Centers, and Contracts!


Joining a Gym

Negotiating the right Contract

Don’t Sign Your Life Away Just Yet!

Once you’ve done your homework, and have decided that this is the gym for you, next up is the contract. I know I know, a headache, and it seems easier to just sign it and get started, but choosing not to review it can cause undue stress later on.
You wouldn’t sign a check unless you knew what you were paying, or buy a car without checking the miles, so why sign a membership contract unless you know what you’re getting! Look for these simple things to help you stay in the know.

What To Look Out For:

  • A salesman is just that…A Salesmen! They don’t work for free. They know that in order to eat this month, they have to make a sale. And more times than not, people end up backing out of contracts and purchases for whatever reason. So sometimes they will include a cancellation clause where they still get paid even if you cancel.
    Real estate agents do it for appraisal fees, contractors do it, and gym membership salesmen do it too. Do not sign anything if you are not sure you want to join, because you might end up paying for nothing!
  • “Pay $7 a month in dues! (With the inclusion of a $170 sign up fee)” A common selling gimmick used to trick buyers with backside deals. Always watch out for flashy promotions. If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is, and has some catch to it. Even if it’s an advertisement ploy, and not in your contract, gyms often use quick sale techniques to hook you in.
    They might try to offer a limited time discount forcing you to sign up right there and then. Do not fall for these! They want to sell you quick, while they can earn the most profit on the deal. The longer you think about it, the less likely you will sign up for that price, or even sign up at all. Be patient, the gym will still be there tomorrow.
  • What you see is what you get! Some gyms will fool you with tricky wording regarding memberships, charges, rights, and liability. You may agree to pay X amount of dollars a month for membership only to find out that there is an annual membership fee too, often associating each fee with different privileges or costs. The same thing can be said for hidden finance charges, or usage fees.
  • Most gyms also retain the option to cancel any amenity at any time for whatever reason. So all the sudden, the rock climbing class you originally joined the gym for is now cancelled, or the 24 hour policy is now only 8 to midnight. These little clauses can turn a 12 month contract into a year long nightmare.
  • Watch out for liability forms as well. If they make you sign one before joining, read it over and make sure it’s not restricting your natural rights. Most liability forms will prevent law suits from personal injury while in the gym, but some will include clauses that apply that policy to the gym in its entirety; meaning that if you slip and fall due to their reckless efforts, you will have little to no power to sue them.

Watch Out for Rate Increases!

Some gyms will set you up in an annual contract with a fixed monthly rate, however, when the contract rolls, the rates may roll too. Always ask what the terms and conditions are for when your contract ends.
Some might increase your rates while others will simply continue your membership as is until you change it. If in the contract they do state that they hold the right to increase your rates, try bargaining with them until they see things your way. Do not sign until you are completely happy with your contract!

Cancelling your Contract Can lead to Extra Fees!

Much like cell phone contracts, gym memberships can have cancellation clauses too. Ask your gym whether or not they will let you cancel without a costly fee. If you plan on canceling due to an injury or moving, you can always ask to transfer your membership.
It is always a good idea to negotiate this out of any gym contract due to the nature of the membership. You may join thinking you’ll go 5 times a week, or that it has every amenity you want, but instead go once a week and use machines that you hate. Keep your options open. It’s your contract, so only sign it if it is in your best interest.

This wraps up the contract portion of joining a gym.

Do I need a Personal Trainer?


Do I really need a personal trainer?

What to consider:

No matter what gym you go to, chances are you have seen at least one personal trainer. Their purpose is simple: To provide an individual with a strong foundation, confidence, and ability to achieve their fitness goals. While some trainers may be useful, a common misconception is that they are experts in health and fitness. Despite the fact that some gyms only hire trainers with quality references, many do not, and such practices can lead to false information, and injury.

If you ever choose to use a trainer, it is always in your best interest you ask them a few basic questions first.

  • Where did they get their credentials, and how long did it take?
  • What process did they have to go through to become certified?
  • Do they have a degree in kinesiology, or another health/fitness field?
  • How long they have been a personal trainer?
By asking these basic questions, you can begin to understand how much time and effort this individual spent becomming a trainer. If you are interested in working with a personal trainer, then it is also a good idea to familiarize yourself with the organization that provided their credentials. Below is a basic list of some of the best in the industry.
  • National Strength and Conditioning Association(NSCA)
  • Cooper Institute for Aerobics Research (CIAR)
  • American Council on Exercise (ACE)
  • American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
  • National Federation of Professional Trainers (NFPT)
  • National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)
  • National Council of Strength & Fitness (NCSF)
  • International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA)
  • Aerobic and Fitness Association of America (NFAA)

With the basic questions out of the way, and a little knowledge of accredited fitness institution, you can get a little more into detail. Below you will find some very good questions and topics to think about when deciding on whether this (or any) personal trainer is right for you!

Things To Try:

  1. If you have been going to this gym for awhile, chances are you might have seen this trainer before. Give yourself a week or two and watch how the trainer interacts with their current clients, for it may give you some insight into whether or not this person knows what they are doing.
  2. Another option would be to get to know whomever the trainer is currently working with, and ask them whether or not they are getting anything out of the experience. The latter may be hard for the timid, but under the given circumstances, could save you money and time. (Who knows, it may even give you a chance to talk to that cute girl / guy the trainer has been working with all week!)
  3. Ask for some work history too. Just because they claim to know all there is about physical fitness and nutrition, doesn’t mean they really do. Ask for a couple of references, whether it be previous places of employment, or previous clients, and learn all you can. At any rate, checking up on the trainer’s references will usually provide you with information the trainer will not.
  4. Nutrition is another key aspect when it comes to choosing a trainer. No trainer is complete without a knowledgeable background in healthy eating. Any good trainer worth his weight in gym equipment will make you write down a detailed log of what you eat and when you eat. Doing so will ensure you are actively thinking about what you put into your body, thus helping you eliminate the bad foods. After all, when it comes to changing your appearance, diet is 80% of the battle (at least!), and exercise is the remaining 20%. If a trainer does not make note of what and when you are eating, he either does not care, or does not know. Both of which are red flags. If however, you fully understand the concepts of healthy nutrition, then you should be doing this already on your own time. This is discussed in greater detail in the Nutrition aspect of this website.
  5. Liability insurance is always a plus for a trainer to have. This isn’t always the case though. Some trainers might be covered under their gym’s insurance plan. However, if this person is not fully affiliated with your gym, or you’re not sure about your gyms policy, then this is a good question to ask. If you get hurt while with a trainer, and they’re uninsured, then you’re the one left holding the gym bag. Also ask if they have any emergency preparations ready. A well prepared trainer will know CPR, or at least a cell phone handy in case of an emergency.
  6. Beware of any trainer that tries to sell you on supplements of any kind. While these supplements may be the best in the world, that doesn’t mean they are the best for your body. A good trainer will avoid pushing a sale on you just to make a commission. Instead, they might recommend useful supplements or aids to help you in your progress. Even so, supplements should be taken with extreme caution, and always ask your doctor before starting any kind of supplement plan, no matter how insignificant.
  7. Make sure your trainer is up to date on all the latest health news! There are always new research studies, articles, and test results emerging, so having a trainer with his finger on the pulse can really make a difference. This is especially true if you are taking supplements of any kind. Ask your trainer, he may know of something you don’t.
  8. Your hard earned cash is too valuable to waste on a trainer that only claims to know what he’s talking about. Ask for a free session. You don’t buy a car without a test drive, so apply the same mentality to your trainer! This will be a good insight into his or her workout styles, and whether or not they know their stuff. Try and get their opinion on matters like nutrition, workout equipment, and training styles, for this can be a good indicator on how they will work with you. Not only will this reveal how much the trainer actually knows, but you might also learn something out of it too. A personal favorite of mine is asking the trainer to provide multiple methods for working out the same body part. If he cannot answer with more than 3 different exercises for a major muscle group, then they aren’t worth your time.
  9. Life is unpredictable, which makes it very easy to miss gym appointments. Ask the trainer whether or not they allow rescheduling. If they are truly there to help, then they will usually let you reschedule appointments. Some gyms however require their trainers to follow strict scheduling guidelines, which could cause you to lose your appointment, money, or both. So make sure you ask to avoid missing out.

About The Author

I am a 24 year old college graduate from California. I am big into health and fitness, and feel everyone should get out there, be active, and live the best life they can.

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